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Women's Fellowship

Join with other women to read and discuss the upcoming Sunday’s readings. Time is also allotted for socializing or viewing a faith-based video. Wednesday evenings, 7-9 p.m. at the Parish Office.


Women's Bible Study

Walking with Purpose is a women's bible study that invites all women to journey through Scripture together and build relationships that matter! 

Learn more

St. Barnabas Moms

Join us for St. Barnabas Mom's Group, where we pray and play.  It is an organized gathering for moms and children ages 0-5. Join us on Saturday, September 21 at 9:30 AM in Bedell Commons. Questions? Contact Cara Dome at

Women's Tea

Women of our parish are invited to attend this morning of faith and fellowship which will be held in the cafeteria.

This year's Women's Tea will be happening on Saturday, April 26 at 9:00 am in the cafeteria. Currently we are looking for women who would like to be hostesses for this fun social event. A hostess will decorate and set a table for eight people. She will also invite her friends to sit at her table and/or welcome other parishioners to join her.  Breakfast will be provided.

There is no cost to be involved with this event, but a free will offering will be taken. If you are interested in being a hostess, please email Josette Snyder at or call (330)467-4054.

Reservations for attendees will happen in March.